How To Deter Burglars in Columbus
A break-in doesn’t usually happen the way its portrayed in the movies. In lieu of theatrics, thieves seek out homes that have simple entry and no countermeasures. Homes that appear guarded by a home security system -- or areas that are frequently occupied -- won’t meet a burglar's aims. They'll then watch elsewhere for a dimly lit, poorly guarded house where they know everyone is not around.
Knowing all that, how can you deter burglars in Columbus?
Set Up And Promote Your Home Security System
If you were a thief and could break into any home in Columbus, would you choose the one that notified the homeowners and authorities that an intrusion was happening? Most burglars will find the house of little resistance, and having a security camera or motion detector will mean added work and a probable trip to the police station.
Placing lawn signs and window stickers about your home security system is a perfect place to start in making your home seem unappetizing. Then mount some external security cameras. A doorbell camera works ideally as many burglars begin with a rap on the door to check if anyone is around.
On the inside, be certain you have sensors placed in all entrances. If someone does pick your home to try and enter, the sensors will trigger the high-decibel alarm and frighten criminals before they begin cleaning out the place. Letting would-be criminals know you have a monitored security system is an additional deterrent, as they are aware that your security monitoring team will be alerted to their presence even if you’re away.
Lights Make It Seem Like You’re Home
By double checking that your interior isn't dark, you send out the impression that someone's home. Powering on your deck lights or living room light when you're away may get the job done. Or install a floodlight atop the back door or patio that shines on the area when it detects activity.
The downside with simply leaving a light lit is that it can get predictable -- especially if you depart from the area for a handful of days. Nowadays, you can install some smart bulbs to give the impression that you're currently home. Via your mobile security app, you can program your smart bulbs on a timer so that various spots of the home are bright at assorted hours, or power them from anywhere when you get a security alarm on your mobile device.

Lock Your Entryways And Windows
Sealing your windows and doors prior to exiting the property will do a surprising amount in deterring burglars in Columbus. Even if you remember to secure the front door, do you have entrances like doggy doors, patio doors, and the adjoining door from the garage to the interior closed and locked? Outside doors need at least a deadbolt lock that makes the door harder to break down. Smart locks are also a great tool, as you can get a message to your mobile device if they are being meddled with. And do not ever place house keys under the mat or anywhere nearby.
Keep Your Plans Off Social Media
Most criminals prefer to scout their objectives ahead of the break in. Social media sites like Facebook and Instagram might display when you're away from the house. When you tell the world that you're driving to the airport for a 7-night vacation, you might have set off an unintentional beacon. Make certain you inspect your security settings so that only trusted friends see your vacation pictures, or don’t post until you return home to upload fantastic vacation shots.
Install The Best Home Security System In Columbus To Deter Burglars
Turn to the experts at Secure24 Alarm Systems to upgrade your security by installing motion detectors, cameras, and lights. We'll help you personalize your home security system to your every need so you can make your property repelling to scheming intruders. Just call (706) 397-7027 or complete the form today!